infinite health sfv cheat engine cpu vs cpu

Using Cheat Engine for Infinite Health in “Street Fighter V”: A Technical Guide


Using Cheat Engine to modify gameplay elements in “Street Fighter V” (SFV) can be an intriguing way to explore the game mechanics and AI behavior. By setting up infinite health for CPU vs. CPU battles, players can observe prolonged fights, test various strategies or characters, and enjoy a sandbox-style interaction with the game. However, it’s essential to recognize that using cheat engines may violate the terms of service of the game and could impact gameplay integrity. Additionally, this practice requires technical knowledge to handle game memory safely, avoiding crashes or data corruption. While this method offers a unique perspective on the game’s underlying mechanics, it’s crucial to approach it with caution and respect for the game’s guidelines.

Understanding the Basics

To use Cheat Engine with SFV for setting up infinite health in CPU vs. CPU battles, you need to understand how Cheat Engine functions and interacts with game data.

What is Cheat Engine?

Cheat Engine is an open-source tool that allows users to modify single-player games running on Windows. It works by scanning the game’s memory and permitting users to alter data values, such as health points, resource counts, or even game speed. This tool provides insights into how games function at a fundamental level, revealing the data that controls various game aspects.

How Cheat Engine Works with Games:

  1. Memory Scanning: Cheat Engine scans the game’s memory while it’s running to find specific values, like health points. Users can input known values (e.g., current health points) and refine these results as the values change (such as when taking damage) to identify the memory address controlling these values.
  2. Data Manipulation: Once the correct memory address is found, values at these addresses can be frozen or altered to affect the game’s mechanics. For example, setting health values to an extremely high number or freezing them effectively makes the health infinite.
  3. Real-Time Changes: Modifications are made in real-time, allowing dynamic testing and adjustments as the game is played. This feature lets users observe the immediate effects of their changes.

Using Cheat Engine Responsibly:
While Cheat Engine is powerful, it’s crucial to use it responsibly:

  • Offline Use: Limit its use to single-player or offline modes to avoid impacting the game experience for others or violating the game’s terms of service.
  • Learning Tool: Beyond hacking games, Cheat Engine can serve as a learning tool for aspiring game developers or programmers to understand game coding and memory management.

Understanding these basics establishes a foundation for safely and effectively using Cheat Engine in a gaming context like setting up infinite health scenarios in SFV for CPU vs. CPU battles.

Applications and Benefits

Using Cheat Engine to set up infinite health for CPU vs. CPU battles in SFV has several applications and benefits that enhance the gaming experience and provide deeper insights into the game mechanics.

Applications of Infinite Health in CPU vs. CPU Battles:

  1. Extended Gameplay Observation:
    Removing the constraint of health depletion allows players to observe CPU battles for extended periods. This extended observation enables a thorough examination of AI performance and strategies in various scenarios, offering a deeper understanding of the game’s mechanics.
  2. AI Training and Testing:
    Game designers and enthusiasts can use this setup to test and train AI algorithms. Observing how AIs react to prolonged combat scenarios allows designers to fine-tune AI performance, making it more competitive or realistic.
  3. Stress Testing:
    Infinite health settings can be used to stress test the game’s performance under extended gameplay conditions, helping identify potential crashes or bugs that might not appear in normal gameplay sessions.
  4. Content Creation:
    For content creators and streamers, this setup can provide unique opportunities, such as hosting AI tournaments or showcasing character abilities in extreme scenarios, which can be engaging for their audience.

Benefits of Using Cheat Engine for Infinite Health:

  1. Enhanced Learning Tool:
    For those interested in game development or programming, Cheat Engine serves as an educational tool, allowing individuals to learn about game architecture, memory management, and how various game elements are coded.
  2. Customizable Gaming Experience:
    Cheat Engine enables players to tailor their gaming experience to their preferences. Players who find certain aspects of the game too challenging or want to enjoy the game without the stress of losing can modify the game to suit their needs.
  3. Innovative Gameplay Exploration:
    With infinite health, players can experiment with strategies and explore character strengths and weaknesses without the repercussions of failing. This experimentation can lead to discovering new playing techniques or aspects of enjoyment that aren’t apparent under normal game conditions.

Ethical Considerations

While there are numerous applications and benefits, it’s important to use Cheat Engine ethically:

  • Avoid Online Use: Always use Cheat Engine in offline settings to ensure fair play and avoid impacting the gameplay experience of others.
  • Compliance with Terms of Service: Be mindful of the game’s terms of service to avoid any legal repercussions or account bans.

Using Cheat Engine responsibly for setting up infinite health in CPU vs. CPU battles offers a range of possibilities for personal enjoyment and technical exploration, provided it is used ethically.

Technical Steps

Enabling infinite health in SFV using Cheat Engine involves a series of technical steps that manipulate the game’s memory values. Here’s a detailed step-by-step guide:

  1. Download and Install Cheat Engine:
    Begin by installing Cheat Engine from a reputable source, preferably the official website, to ensure safety and avoid malware.
  2. Run Street Fighter V:
    Launch SFV in windowed mode, as this facilitates easier switching between the game and Cheat Engine.
  3. Attach Cheat Engine to SFV:
    • Open Cheat Engine.
    • Click on the computer icon in the top-left corner to open the process list.
    • Select the SFV process and click “Open” to allow Cheat Engine to access the game’s memory.
  4. Locate the Health Value:
    • Start a match in SFV to activate health values.
    • In Cheat Engine, enter the current health value of a character in the “Value” field and click “First Scan”.
    • Return to SFV, change the health value through combat, then go back to Cheat Engine, enter the new health value, and click “Next Scan”. Repeat until you isolate the specific memory addresses controlling health.
  5. Modify the Health Value:
    • Move the identified addresses to the lower pane in Cheat Engine by clicking the red arrow.
    • Right-click the addresses, select “Change Record” > “Value”, and set it to a high number or use “Freeze” to maintain a constant value.
  6. Test the Changes:
    • Observe in-game if the health remains constant despite taking damage. If successful, the health should not decrease, simulating infinite health.
  7. Monitor Game Stability:
    • Be mindful that modifying game memory can lead to instability or crashes. Keep an eye on performance and be prepared to adjust settings or restart the game if necessary.
  8. Save the Cheat Table (Optional):
    • Save your Cheat Table in Cheat Engine to quickly load the same settings in future sessions, avoiding the need to repeat the scans.

Ethical and Technical Considerations

Ethical Considerations:

  1. Fair Play:
    Using Cheat Engine, especially in multiplayer settings, can give players an unfair advantage, disrupting the balance and enjoyment of the game for others. It’s crucial to confine the use of such tools to single-player or offline modes to preserve fairness.
  2. Compliance with Terms of Service:
    Most games, including SFV, prohibit the alteration of game code or gameplay. Violating these terms can lead to consequences such as account bans or legal action. Always review and adhere to these terms to avoid potential issues.
  3. Respect for Game Developers:
    Modifying game behavior with Cheat Engine can undermine the efforts and intentions of game developers. Consider the impact of such modifications on the developers and the overall game ecosystem.

Technical Considerations:

  1. Game Stability and Performance:
    Altering game data can lead to instability, crashes, or unexpected behavior. Users should proceed cautiously and save progress regularly to avoid data loss.
  2. Security Risks:
    Using third-party tools like Cheat Engine can expose your system to security risks, including malware. Ensure you download Cheat Engine from its official website and maintain up-to-date antivirus software to mitigate these risks.
  3. Knowledge and Skill Requirement:
    Effectively using Cheat Engine requires a certain level of technical skill, including understanding memory addresses and data types. Novice users might find the learning curve steep and could inadvertently cause game or system issues.


  1. Cheat Engine Overview: Cheat Engine is a tool for modifying single-player games by scanning and altering memory values. It allows users to change game elements like health points and game speed.
  2. Functionality: Cheat Engine works by scanning the game’s memory to locate specific values, allowing users to freeze or alter these values in real-time.
  3. Technical Steps:
    • Download and install Cheat Engine from a reputable source.
    • Launch SFV in windowed mode.
    • Attach Cheat Engine to the SFV process.
    • Locate and modify the health value using Cheat Engine’s scanning and editing features.
    • Test the changes to ensure infinite health is functioning.
  4. Applications and Benefits:
    • Extended Gameplay Observation: Allows for prolonged observation of AI performance and strategies.
    • AI Training and Testing: Useful for fine-tuning AI algorithms and testing their behavior in extended combat scenarios.
    • Stress Testing: Helps identify potential crashes or bugs.
    • Content Creation: Provides unique content opportunities for streamers and content creators.
  5. Ethical Considerations:
    • Fair Play: Cheat Engine should be used in offline modes to avoid impacting others’ gameplay.
    • Terms of Service: Using Cheat Engine may violate the game’s terms of service, risking account bans or legal consequences.
    • Respect for Developers: Modifying game behavior can undermine developers’ intentions.
  6. Technical Considerations:
    • Game Stability: Altering game memory can lead to crashes or instability.
    • Security Risks: Ensure Cheat Engine is downloaded from official sources to avoid malware.


Your article explores how to use Cheat Engine to set up infinite health for CPU vs. CPU battles in “Street Fighter V” (SFV). Cheat Engine is an open-source tool that allows players to modify game data by scanning and altering memory values. The guide covers the technical steps needed to enable infinite health, including downloading Cheat Engine, attaching it to SFV, locating and modifying health values, and testing the changes. It also highlights the benefits of using Cheat Engine for extended gameplay observation, AI training, stress testing, and content creation. Ethical and technical considerations are emphasized, including compliance with game terms of service, fair play, and potential security risks.


1. What is Cheat Engine and how does it work?

  • Cheat Engine is a tool used to modify single-player games by scanning and changing memory values. It allows players to alter game elements like health points and game speed by locating and editing specific memory addresses in real-time.

2. How do I set up infinite health in “Street Fighter V” using Cheat Engine?

  • Download and install Cheat Engine. Run SFV in windowed mode, open Cheat Engine, and attach it to the SFV process. Locate the current health value, modify it to a high number or freeze it, and test the changes in-game.

3. Are there any benefits to using Cheat Engine for infinite health in SFV?

  • Yes, benefits include observing extended CPU battles, testing and training AI, stress testing the game, and creating unique content for streams or videos.

4. What are the ethical considerations when using Cheat Engine?

  • Use Cheat Engine only in offline modes to avoid disrupting other players. Adhere to the game’s terms of service to avoid potential bans or legal issues. Respect the developers’ intentions and the integrity of the game.

5. What technical issues should I be aware of when using Cheat Engine?

  • Modifying game memory can cause crashes or instability. Ensure Cheat Engine is downloaded from a trusted source to avoid security risks, and be prepared for a steep learning curve if you are new to the tool.


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